How to Deal with Stress at School in Every Grade

Stress is something that almost everyone experiences. Whether it’s from school, work, or other issues in life, this article goes through how to deal with stress in every grade and offers some tips on how to manage it better. However, managing stress can be easier if you know what elements cause it and how to deal with them to have a more fulfilling time teaching.

What causes stress in students?

Many causes could lead to stress for a student. These causes often lead into one of two types: external or internal. Both categories can then be broken down further into the primary, which is what caused the stress, and secondary, which were influenced by the primary issue.

We can describe it as a feeling of pressure to succeed in a particular situation without knowing how it will turn out or dealing with something unexpected. We can view many external factors as stressful if you are not used to them, and in the time of stress, you’ll find your insecurities and weaknesses because these things will come up when you’re in a stressful situation.

Symptoms of stress in children

Stress manifests itself into many different symptoms, usually physical. However, just because they are not physical does not mean they are not there. You need to know the signs of stress amongst children so you can recognize it when/if it happens to them or someone else.

  • mood swing
  • acting out
  • avoiding others
  • sulky or irritable
  • lack of concentration
  • inability to make decisions

These symptoms will usually appear when a person is stressed, but the intensity depends on the cause.

How to manage stress in kids

Educators have come to realize that children can deal with many different things in their lives. Many ways help children manage stress in different situations.

  • Talking about the issue: Give an open environment where students can talk about anything they’re feeling or want to talk about. This will be a great way to help students manage their stress because talking about it will help them cope with it.
  • Break down large assignments: Even though teachers like to give large assignments, students don’t like and often complain. However, small tasks can be easier to do. Break it down into different parts where they feel more in control of the situation.
  • Take breaks: If the assignment is too hard for you, it’s okay to take a break. A quick 10 minutes will make a difference in how the child feels about the assignment.
  • Celebrate triumphs: Instead of congratulating them for passing an assignment, celebrate their motions along with it. The more they connect personally, the more they feel as though they can manage stress and feel better about their lives.
  • Get enough sleep: Plenty of sleep is essential for all students, not just those with stress. Stress will cause a lack of sleep, and if it gets unmanaged, it can lead to a dangerous situation, especially amongst children. Getting enough sleep will make a difference to a child’s ability to handle stress and help them learn better.
  • Get together with other people: Being around other people can make a difference as well. When it comes to helping manage stress, this is especially important for social activities with other people, whether in a classroom or after-school club.


When it comes to stress, adults and children handle it very differently. You must manage stress properly and know what to do when stress does happen. Learning how to manage stress in any grade level will help students during times of classroom instruction and throughout life.

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